Integration Clinic

Effective and Holistic Healthcare for Individually Empowering Healing

Learn To Love Your Growth.

What you’re doing is important and meaningful.

Trust yourself.

Nurture Synchronicity

( cultivate change , take action )

The purpose of Integration Clinic is first and foremost to treat suffering.

When the body and mind are comfortable and confident there is time and space to create meaningful change in life. This interplay between body and mind and the life that lives it is understood in Taoism as *Body-Mind-Spirit*

The Taoist concept of Body-Mind-Spirit emphasizes the interconnectedness and unity of these three aspects of human existence. In Taoism, the mind, body, and spirit are not viewed as separate entities but rather as interrelated components that influence and support each other.

The mind represents our thoughts, emotions, and mental processes. It encompasses our consciousness and cognitive functions, guiding our perceptions and decision-making.

The body refers to our physical being and its functions. It includes our organs, senses, and physical sensations, allowing us to interact with the external world.

The spirit encompasses our inner essence, the existential mystery that is often referred to as the "self" or "soul." It is the intangible and transcendent aspect of our being that connects us to a deeper sense of purpose, meaning, and interconnectedness with the universe. In a more simple sense, it is the LIFE being lived by your body and mind.

In Taoist philosophy, nurturing and harmonizing these three aspects are essential for living a balanced and fulfilled life. Cultivation practices like mindfulness and meditation help to align the mind, body, and spirit, promoting overall well-being and enhancing our connection with the natural flow of life.

The intention of this clinic is to help all beings be free from suffering and embrace the unity of Body-Mind-Spirit to live a more harmonious and meaningful existence.

*Take What’s Useful and Leave Everything Else Behind*

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